Samsung has proved once again its value in the field of electronic devices, with its Pebble MP3 player, officially launched in June 2008. This leader of consumer electronics innovation and design answered the fashionistas' expectations by creating a first-class, fashion-forward, portable device, such as the S2 “Pebble” MP3 Player.
Available in a variety of colors, the S2 Pebble is more than just a media player offering on-the-go entertainment, it is a true fashion accessory that can be used to accentuate someone's personal style. It has been developed with a comfortable and ergonomic form factor at its core, to ensure that not only does it fit into a hand or a pocket, but it is also easy to use.
The Pebble comes in black, white, red, green and purple and it looks very stylish, but also cute, at the same time, taking the shape of a rounded polished stone.
May 24, 2009
Samsung MP3 Player Like Stone - New Samsung S2 MP3 Player It Is Pebble
Posted by Mohammed Ali
Posted in iPod, Technology